Category: Fiction
Before I Forget: A Review Of The ‘Before the Coffee Gets Cold’ Series
If you’re looking for a simple autumn read that you can have a crack at while having brekky, I can recommend a cosy series about a time-travelling café that provides its customers the closure they so desperately seek (with some caveats). As fond as I’ve grown to become of this series, Before the Coffee Gets…
Merrigong presents Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap at the IPAC from 5th-15th September
Merrigong presents Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap at the IPAC from the 5th – 15th September. I had the pleasure of attending on opening night and the performance quite literally had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. The stage was lavishly set as a 1950s living room of a newly-wed couple’s grand…
Donné Restom presents two new shows in Sydney Fringe this week: an interview
Donné Restom, a Central-Coast-based playwright, storyteller, singer and mum, presents two new productions at the Sydney Fringe Festival this week. ‘Kink in the Tale: Storytelling for Grownups’ – a collection of stories about sex, intimacy and our kinky quirks told live on stage and ‘Everyone in my family is dead or about to be’ –…
The Snow Women
Blankets of crystal-clear snow press against my boots. I had been traversing the tundra for four days, no – five. Or… seven? Someone can only take so much glimmering white powders now before losing their sanity. It sure didn’t help that I had found myself traversing countryside of a country I didn’t know. ‘さっぽろ雪まつり’, signs…
We Need a Pianist
I arrive at the Pavilion at 7:30pm in my best maroon suit. Stressing about my fingers. I’ve parked, engine’s off. Unfurl my fingers, staring, and thinking, they’re not broken anymore, and there won’t be an accident tonight that changes that. So, I go inside. The Pavilion is one of those old and grand buildings that’s…
Truong wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing, unwilling to touch it. He tries to ignore the sound and turns his body to the wall side. Consistently, it keeps ringing, beat after beat after beat. He awakens angrily and proceeds to pick up the phone. “Who is this?” he says with a high-pitched…
Hold the Note
It’s late morning, and the paterfamilias has donned his formal attire. The toga cloaking the loose folds of his chiton is blue with a fluffy grey lining on the collar and sash. His bare feet are swathed in a pair of long woollen socks, pulled high over the rolls of his baggy grey sweatpants. From…
Bad Boys Get the Dark
By Jacob Wood When the Dark was in control, Lester had little idea of his surroundings; could see nothing but shifting shadows. For brief moments at a time he could hear fevered shuffling, the scraping of harsh blades and a horrid stench that came over him in fetid waves. For the first time, though, he…
All morning he twined the coarse rope through his hands. But now he was just trying to ignore the agonising thudding beneath the angry anthill that had formed on his left forearm. It was tipped a violent red and sensitive to any sort of glancing touch. The skin there was gummy with sweat, pus building…