Category: NEWS
Identity, Visibility, and Pride: The Importance of The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade
Identity, Visibility, and Pride: The Importance of The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade By Edwina Cooke Affectionately dubbed “Gay Christmas”, Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is a celebration of visibility, community, and pride. Beyond the loud music and bright lights there is also a deep history. The Sydney Mardi Gras…
Merrigong presents Trent Dalton’s ‘Love Stories’ at IPAC
Love, apparently, is three good things, so these are mine: my grandma, telling me she was the first person to see me when I was born; my best friend, sending me flowers from halfway across the world on my birthday because she just wanted me to know she loved me; and Guns N Roses, because…
MCERA Study Says Bullying Is Underreported
Media Centre for Education Research Australia says that kids in school aren’t telling their parents about their experiences around bullying. Recent data as part of News Corp’s 2025 Great Australian Parent Survey says that 50% of parents report that their child has suffered due to bullying before and 25% think that schools aren’t putting effort…
Student General Meeting – Calling UOW to divest, disclose and cut all ties with Israel
On the 4th of September 2024, UOW students held the university’s first Student General Meeting for Palestine liberation. In preparation for this historic event, students posted videos, handed out flyers and put up banners to spread the news of the SGM. At 2:30pm, around 150 students, too many to fit in the small…
Merrigong presents Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap at the IPAC from 5th-15th September
Merrigong presents Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap at the IPAC from the 5th – 15th September. I had the pleasure of attending on opening night and the performance quite literally had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. The stage was lavishly set as a 1950s living room of a newly-wed couple’s grand…
MERRIGONGX Presents A Place in the Sultan’s Kitchen at IPAC
MERRIGONGX Theatre Company presents A Place in the Sultan’s Kitchen from the 8th to 10th of August at the IPAC. See the end of the article for information on tickets. Singer-songwriter and theatre-maker Joshua Hinton retells stories, passed down through generations and around the globe whilst cooking a loved family recipe on stage. Blending stories…
EdCon Workshops: We Got ‘Paid’ Placements, Now What?
After the very intense plenary, we had three separate workshops which we could choose from. I attended the ‘We got ‘Paid’ placements, no what?’ workshop. The speaker started by giving us a recap of what has been going on with paid placements. She stated that there have been shortages since COVID and due to the…
EdCon Day 2: Warfare First, Welfare Second
On Day 2 of Edcon, we started with the plenary from the welfare office where we discussed issues such as the food insecurity among students, accommodation and student life on campuses more broadly. The first question posed to the panel was, ‘how can our councils support students to address food insecurity?’ Melbourne’s University stated they…
NUS Education Conference Day 1: Plenary With Plenty To Say
Every year, students from different universities around Australia, members of the National Union of Students (NUS), get together at a conference for several days to discuss, debate and learn about student politics and the direction of student life. The Education Conference this year is taking place at Curtin University in Perth and I had the…