Tag: Film Review Friday

  • The Whale – Film Review Fridays

    The Whale – Film Review Fridays

    You are not your mistakes, you are not your past, you are not your failures. You are your future. We all deal with setbacks differently, a few too many drinks in the evening, a full afternoon with headphones on listening to your perfectly crafted Spotify playlist featuring songs like “Say Something” or “Glycerine”. You might…

  • Blue Valentine – Film Review Fridays

    Blue Valentine – Film Review Fridays

    Romance and dating may come quite easy to us. However, in the drug-haze known as love, our judgement could be clouded, we may overlook warning signs, ignore all the ways the two of you are so different, ignore all conflicts and simply write it off as a petty, meaningless little argument. But you could be…

  • Her – Film Review Fridays

    Her – Film Review Fridays

    Dating is hard, there’s a whole world out there, with only a small percentage of people in the world who could be your match. Sometimes it’s easier for us to settle for less, we don’t get hurt, we can maybe get more out of almost nothing, just a talk now and then from someone of another gender or…

  • Dream Scenario – Film Review Friday

    Dream Scenario – Film Review Friday

    What was your last dream about? Can you remember it? Was it dangerous or weird or maybe wholesome? Was it absurd or horrific or hilarious? The one I remember most vividly is the one where I yell at Edward Norton as I direct him in a stage play. Or there was the one where I…

  • A Time to Kill – Film Review Friday

    A Time to Kill – Film Review Friday

    No matter what part of the world you live in, whether it be the sandy beaches of the Bahamas, the tranquil water villages of the Netherlands or the harsh deserts of the Outback, the one undeniable aspect of life is hate: hate for race, hate for gender, hate for actions, hate for attitudes. Like it…

  • The Iron Claw – Film Review Friday

    The Iron Claw – Film Review Friday

    We can throw ourselves into the belly of the beast and work ourselves to the bone to achieve our goals, but it’s all about a healthy balance. Sometimes you’ll find people who believe the way is more play and less work, sometimes you’ll find people who believe the opposite: That there’s no other way to…

  • Mean Girls (2024) – Film Review Friday

    Mean Girls (2024) – Film Review Friday

    Welcome back to high school, take a seat at your desk before all the good spots are taken. Just make sure you choose correctly. If you sit next to Nick, be prepared for every class to be an hour-long discussion about soccer. If you sit next to Mandy, your ears will probably hurt from all…

  • Ferrari – Film Review Friday

    Ferrari – Film Review Friday

    One of the most satisfying things to experience in film is a character’s ultimate downfall. Their entire world crumbling around them, leaving them like swimmers gasping for air 1000 kilometres deep below the horizon, a character’s flaws and sins paving the way for the most unbeatable obstacles they have ever faced. Micheal Mann did to…

  • Monkey Shines – Film Review Friday

    Monkey Shines – Film Review Friday

    n 1963, Alfred Hitchcock sought to villainise the beasts of the air in his film The Birds, showing the aerial demons can be more predatory than we give credit. In 1975, Steven Spielberg terrified us of the hammerheads, bulls and great white sharks in Jaws, and for a while the idea of swimming at the…