Tag: Film Review Fridays
Friendship On Film – Film Review Friday Triple Feature
The Banshees Of Inisherin (2023) dir. Martin McDonagh – Reviewed by Mason Horsley “Even the worm will turn” – John Heywood It’s a great expression, and one I repeat in my mind regularly. Even the wotOut of fear and out of sick desire. I’m both afraid and…
Courtroom Drama Triple Feature – Film Review Fridays
Kramer Vs Kramer (1979) dir. Robert Benton While many courtroom dramas focus on social issues impacting the world on a grand scale, I believe the most effective focus is on smaller, everyday legal issues. While it was incredibly impactful to see such a catastrophic case in ‘Trial Of The Chicago Seven’ and it was heartbreaking…
Directors, Extenders and Unraters – A FRF Special Presentation
Like it or not, the film business is one of investments. In Hollywood, art has to take a backseat until the producers and studios are happy and feeling safe with their money. They just gave you 100 million dollars, you can’t just release whatever you want. It wasn’t until the 40s when directors were able…
Yakuza Graveyard – Film Review Fridays
There’s something about the Noir genre that always entices. Perhaps it’s the romanticisation of cold, silent gentlemen who aren’t afraid to play dirty (who, in any other situation would be treated as thugs or creeps). Perhaps it’s the more pessimistic look, displaying the world around us as one of sin and parasitic pleasure. Or maybe…
Drawing Flies – Film Review Friday
As I was working through the entirety of Kevin Smith’s View Askew series last month, I stumbled across a film I hadn’t noticed the other three or so times I did that in the last year. It was black-and-white, grainy, obviously very low budget and, in fact, one of the best films I saw that…
The Film Diaries: The Final 9 – Film Review Fridays
About a week ago, Daniel propositioned Film Review Fridays with its most ambitious publication yet: a final 9 mini-reviews to cap off the year. 3 reviews from each of the 3 film reviewers on movies that have meant so much to them this year, a way to end with a bang! A pow! A massive…
Ratatouille – Film Review Fridays
I have never been one for animated films. I know for some people, they’re the only kind of films; studios like Disney/Pixar and Dreamworks continue to be popular among children and adults alike. Maybe for some of these people, they represent nostalgia, the innocence of childhood; for others they’re exemplary for the art in their…
Heretic – Film Review Fridays
For as long as humans have been around, there has been religion. A way to explain the origins of the universe, a way to explain what happens to us when we die, a way to explain why certain behaviours cannot be tolerated. And for as long as religion has been around, so has atheism, the…
The Campaign – Film Review Fridays
The 2024 American Presidential election came and went and was quite an entertaining one. We’ve all had a good laugh or a good shudder in horror; maybe a bit of both. Where there’s the never-ending fight between Republicans and Democrats, there’s SNL sketches and The Onion article posts burying audiences in political satire. While…